Yesterday, I graduated from Kendall College of Art and Design! How insanely amazing. I actually felt pangs of heartbreak during the whole ceremony as I replayed my college experience over and over in my head. Right from the first day I started.. as my mom helped me unpack my items into my closet of a room in my 5 Lyon apartment, to finding my best friend in Jen as she resided down the hall, to walking to class, crying on my way home because my design drawing professor hated my drawing, to overcoming all of the struggles that I faced with not at all being a good designer in the beginning. To Brett and I sharing my twin bed on weekend nights, to headphones on, carrying my giant pad of paper, and my Macbook computer, to dissecting alphabet letters in typography, to giving speeches and writing creative short stories. To finding myself this past year, with this blog, with my interactive work in my senior level classes, to becoming a studio excellence winner. I truly found myself at Kendall and I'm really sad to be saying goodbye!
Graduation itself was amazing. Our college is a small arts college, so I felt like I knew a little piece about so many kids approaching the stage to get their degrees. You can't say that about most colleges. I felt so proud of each one of them - for pursuing their dreams of going into art or design. It's a risky move - going into art or design! But it's truly a passion for all of us and we'll never have to "work" a day in our lives - because we'll truly love what we're doing.
I remember standing here waiting for Bill to announce my name thinking how glad I was that I went for the flats. Selective Potential flashed across the screen as my "best work" as I accepted my degree for Digital Media in Interactive Design, as the 2010 studio excellence award dinner. Eep! I heard my Mom's whistle from the back of the church (every time I do something that requires applauding, you can bet she's belting out her whistle!) and I honestly felt so proud! I love my family - and especially Brett, for putting up with my insane busy schedule over the past four years.
After graduation, my family and I walked down to the school for reception where they got to see my work in the studio excellence gallery. Since I'm digital, it was just a computer screen in the corner (hehe!) I still can't believe I was announced the studio excellence award winner! On Friday, we had a very fancy, very nice dinner that I was so proud to attend. As soon as I get pictures back from that, I'll put that up on the blog! Thanks again to everyone who said congrats and sent cards and everything. You're all so supportive and I couldn't ask for better friends.. all over the world.
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