So, happy graduation to me.. and Brett! (ha!) We found out we couldn't have a puppy in our apartment, so I'm instead counting these as my graduation gift to myself. Plus, Brett gets one because it's more fun when we each have our own! We actually got them a few weeks ago, but I've been waiting for the perfect weekend to debut them. With our 86 degree day today, it was the perfect day to go scootering around our lovely beach town. This photo was so inspired by this one here!
They are both Genuine Scooter Buddy scooters! He opted for black and I went for the girly mint green color! They are so much fun. We had scooters a couple of years ago, but Brett got into an accident and I sold mine so we could get Brett's old car fixed, so we lost them, but now we have better ones (that we're being extra careful on, promise!) But some of my favorite memories of the first year of our marriage were spent on scooters, so I knew we had to have them again. They seriously make life so much more fun!
In summer, our town changes like you wouldn't believe. It doubles in population because we're such a touristy town! So in the summer, there is never parking - even the locals like us can't find parking anywhere - so these are going to be perfect for heading down to the beach and never searching for a spot! We took them down to the beach tonight, watched the sunset and rode them home... perfection!
Here's to a summer of scooter trips and adventures! I couldn't be more excited! We've had such a lovely weekend. Last night, Tall Ships (Brett's band) played in Traverse City and it was such a fun show with friends. Afterwards, we grabbed pizza in downtown Traverse - so good. I had a blast. Next weekend, Tall Ships is going on a mini-tour (Grand Rapids, Howell, Chicago!) so Kait and I are tagging along and I'm so excited. It's going to be a blast. I loveee our group of friends! I promise to blog all about it!
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→Married... with scooters!
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