So we ended up going to Mos Eisley's when Jon + Amber came into town. Brett said,"If you pierce your septum, I'll do it." And I totally wasn't going to do it, but then I had to. Piercings seriously just cannot be thought out. They have to be completely random and spontaneous. It's the only way. I watched Brett get his done first, and then I got mine done. It hurt so bad. It was awful. I flinched really bad and wanted to die. I just have a retainer right now so that I can flip it up for work, and when I need to be clean cut and professional (muaahah) but this piercing is awesome. I can rebel in disguise. Someday I'll wear classy business suits and have a hidden septum piercing. It's my way of sticking it to the man. (hahaha, oh lordy) Brett, of course, decided to get the kind you can't flip up. Our parents are going to hate us.