Saturday was a house show at 3 Fuller. Tall Ships, Kaline, Cain Marko and a couple of other bands played. My three favorite local bands though right in a row was amazing. When I first showed up, everyone was watching Tiger's vs Athletics. I had fun peeking out the window people watching with Brenna. That girl is seriously one of my favorites. I can definitely see us becoming amazing friends. When she was like, "Do you want to take silly pictures?" I was like, "Marry me." Hahaha.
(brenna + me)
(andrew, brenna, tieka & jeremy)
I look so ridiculous in that picture, hahah! I wasn't even drinking, so I can't blame it on that. But I had a super great time at the show. Plus being around our friends is always the best. Afterwards, I binged on chicken fingers & fries at Steak 'N Shake with Jeremy, Kait & Brett. In other terms, not eating today. :[ Hahah, I'm so unhealthy.
In other news, I've been feeling lost lately. I went from being busy constantly, to having lots of free time on my hands. I honestly don't know what to do with myself. We move in exactly two weeks and I can't wait to decorate our new apartment with everything we got from IKEA and the stuff we're going to get soon. I just need to get adjusted to this new lifestyle of not being busy 24/7 and try to spend more time with good friends and accomplishing random things I've been putting off lately (like cleaning, haha) <3
currently playing:
katy perry - waking up in vegas
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→3 Fuller House Show
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