So last night was absolutely amazing. Completely unexpected, but great. I drove to Grand Rapids to see Brett. Brett, Peter and I walked to Martha's vineyard, then hung around until we had to pick Damian up from work.
(brett and i in front of the duplex)
We picked him up and drove to Gun Lake to see the fireworks. We got there, took a walk and went to the store to get some food. We came back and ate dinner and then sat around for a bit talking. We took chairs down by the water and waited for the fireworks. Brett and I sat on the dock for a little bit and talked. The atmosphere of the sky was just amazing, I wish I would have gotten a picture of it. But the vibe was just amazing. I felt like I was supposed to be there. Like everything is alright and is going to be better. The fireworks were great and I had a lot of fun.
(brett, peter and damian on the gun lake dock)
We had to drive the convertible home and Brett and I sat in the back and the top was down. It was an absolute blast. We were listening to oldies music. Brett and I cuddled, held hands and kissed a couple times. It was amazing. And I know this sounds completely corny, but I've never seen a shooting star before in my life and I saw one last night. I was like, "Brett! I saw one! Did you see it?" and he said yes.
(brett and i in the back of the convertible)
currently playing:
the audition - you've made us conscious
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→Gun Lake Fireworks
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