In the month of April, I am taking part in a ModCloth Spring Fever Blogger Challenge alongside three other amazing bloggers! It includes myself, Keiko from Keiko Lynn, Aya from Strawberry Koi and Krystal from This Time Tomorrow. I'm really excited to see how the girls style the other items - April is going to be a fun month! I'm really looking forward to it. Every Monday, you can check out the ModCloth blog, ModLife, and vote for your favorite look on their blog! You can click here through my blog each week - or click on the badge on the right hand sidebar of my blog to lead you to the current running post! So go - and vote - for your favorite style for the Ivory Symphony skirt! This is more for inspiration, rather than competition! I love each of these bloggers to death - so vote for your favorite way the skirt is styled!
This is what my little secret was last Sunday, when I couldn't show you my outfit from our trip to Frederick Meijer Gardens when we went to see the butterflies in bloom! If you've been a reader long enough - you know that I really love to blend in with my surroundings and this time - it was completely coincidental! I didn't even know this arch existed in the park - and it fit the style of my outfit quite perfectly! Brett and I saw it.. and were like.. that's it!
We've had such glorious weather here, as of late. I don't want this to end. Gorgeous sunshine, perfect breezes. Even right now - it's dark and cloudy, but the atmosphere is so amazing outside right now. The calm before a giant thunderstorm. I love those moments. I begin my final three weeks of college tomorrow - and have so much work to do. I have meetings, have to prepare for the student gallery, get graduation requirements all finished up and finish up what I've worked so hard on for the past four years. So bear with me if I'm a little slacker in the coming weeks!
I also hope everyone had a lovely Easter! Brett and I spent the morning with his parents, the afternoon with mine and the evening with our friend, Peter. Delicious food, gorgeous weather. Now I think I'm going to cut this post a little short and go grab a giant slice of confetti cake. Eeep! I've been so terrible with my diet lately - oh well, we all have our off weeks. I've been Mrs. Slacker Hungry as of late. I was supposed to do a giveaway last Wednesday.. and I didn't have time, so expect one very soon.. and then another one right after that! And don't forget to go vote! You have until Friday at 5 PM EST!
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→Spring Fever Blogger Challenge: Week 1
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