Welcome to the fourth edition of Selective Potential's Guy Behind the Camera feature! I started this in January and didn't even know if I'd have enough content to last two editions, but now here I am on the fourth edition with many months ahead of great bloggers and their guys behind the camera! First, I'd like to start with Brittany, and her husband Adam, from Adam and Britney! I adore Britney - she is such a sweetheart - and I love reading about her and Adam! She always has such cute outfits, personal posts and is going to be the cutest nurse someday soon! Love this girl!
Next we have a favorite of mine, Kristin from Leproust Vintage. I'm sure many of you are already familiar with her, but if not, you should definitely head over to her blog and follow! I've loved getting to know her over the past several months. She has such darling outfits, the cutest Etsy shop and is one of the sweetest girls! She is also part of our Delightful Dozen project! Her husband, Robin, snaps many of her photos for her! He never complains - even when she is draping her coat and purse over him (I do the same thing to Brett!) and when she no longer decides she likes her present shoes and takes ten minutes to switch them out - or when she walks into the room with two umbrellas and the camera so that they can take photos in the pouring rain. Haha! I love this! What a darling husband and wife.
Next, we have Tess from Tessaboo! Tess was actually one of the first style bloggers I came across from Chictopia and first hand inspired me to start my own blog. When I first started looking at blogs, I was so intimidated from all the high fashion that was being featured - until I came to Tess's blog. She features gorgeous vintage items - has a darling Etsy shop - and amazing photos. I would definitely say she has been a #1 inspiration for me in starting my blog, so thanks so much for that, Tess! Plus she's so so sweet and her blog is a must-read for me. This is her boyfriend, Ray, which she features on the blog here and there! I'm so jealous of Tess' family and friends photos. She looks like she has such wonderful people surrounding her - Ray included. He always snaps her shots for her - even when she asks for one more and it turns out to be ten more. Haha! So cute.
Meet Eunice from Hey Fancy Pants! Eunice lives in Australia (I have a total love for Australian bloggers, for good reason!) and she is darling. Her blog is full of tons of outfit posts and inspiration (and I love how she edits the edges of her photos!) This is her boyfriend, Kerhan! He has been taking her photos for the past several months - and has been such a big help with her blog! Sometimes she has days where she doesn't like her facial expressions on the photos and he tells her silly jokes and makes her say funny words to make her laugh while taking pictures! And often enough, he captures the best moment! This picture she included is one where he captured her laughter and I just love it. I love guys who can make you laugh. It's one of the best things in a relationship! Be sure to check out Eunice's blog! She's a doll!
And lastly for this edition, we have Jentine from My Edit! I've had so many of my favorite bloggers featured in the last few posts - how exciting! It's so amazing to see all of my favorites with sweet guys behind the camera because they all deserve them! This is her husband, Matt! He takes all of our outfit pictures for her and has ridiculous patience with her blogging commitment! She says that their marriage vows should have said, "In health, in sickness and blogging addiction.." Hehe! This picture shows off his commitment too! She was so excited to show off this new skirt and wanted to use this gorgeous blue wall for the shot - but unfortunately it's in a scary part of town - so they drove up, pose, pose, pose and hightailed it out of there! She says they look like total dweebs taking photos but he is such a good sport. Gosh, I love love reading these features! They remind me so much of something Brett and I would do! I love this girl - be sure to check out her blog!
That's it for this month's "Guy Behind the Camera"! If you'd like to submit you and your guy behind the camera, please email me at tieka@selectivepotential.com with your name, your blog URL, a photo of him, a photo of you and a brief description of why you appreciate your guy! If you enjoyed reading this post, be sure to check out the first editions! Stay tuned in May for round 5! Have a great evening!
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→The Guy Behind The Camera: 4th Edition
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