Look at me.. saying I wasn't going to bring out any of my spring clothes until the first official day of spring.. but I just had to! We've been having the most gorgeous last few days! It's seriously so heart-lifting to walk out in the warmth! It has been high fifties - low sixties and sunny. It's perfect. It feels like spring is here, finally. There is talk of snow/rain mix on Saturday (the actual first day of spring) so I was like.. I just have to wear something now while it's so nice out!
Today was so lovely. I didn't have the majority of my classes today because my professor attended the digital illustration career day. So I took a much needed day off. I know we just had spring break, but I worked full-time so it didn't feel like much of a break. So I slept in.. made myself some pancakes.. and caught up on some emails! I also ran to the post office to finally mail out some delightful dozen/giveaway stuff, to pick up my photo order and to come home and work on the studio a little bit more! I'll post pictures this weekend for sure!
I had this dress from ModCloth on my wishlist for the longest time.. and finally decided to buy it. I love it. I'm obsessed with sleeved dresses right now. I have a few more on my list. I have a really hard time with spaghetti strap dresses. I can't quite pull them off, so this is the perfect fix. And as soon as I saw this scarf, I bought it immediately. I can't find it anywhere on their website now, so I'm wondering if they sold out. But I love this scarf. Perfect for spring because it's so light and has such pretty detail! This vintage watch is my Grandma's. She gave it to me a few years ago. It was a gift from my Grandpa for one of their anniversaries. She passed away about a year ago, so it's really special to me. I love the mix of silver and gold in it.
Gawsh, I don't want this weather to end! Brett and I took the scenic road to Grand Rapids today and looked all along Lake Michigan avenue for spots. He pulled into a cemetery.. and I was like, "Brett! I can't have my first spring outfit pictures taken in a cemetery!" Hahah, boys. They don't understand. ;) I was like.. I need a field. Haha! Afterwards, we stuffed our faces at Big Boy and split a delicious banana split afterwards. I'm still stuffed.. and it's 12:18 AM. Oh boy. I better head to bed! Have a wonderful weekend everyone! And don't forget to check out the Little Ocean Annie Vintage's Giveaway!
Ps; I used to be obsessed with River City High back in high school. I love that we're getting more into the "punk" side of my compilation! It brings back such great memories. I honestly don't know where I'd be without some of this music. I know I listen to a lot of weird indie music now, but my roots are all pop punk bands. I'm so thankful I grew up in the music community here.. I've had some of the best memories (and met Brett through it!) It's such a huge part of my life.. and definitely always will be.
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→Spring fever
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