Spring forward, fall back! So now it definitely feels like spring is arriving because of daylight saving beginning! I took these at 6:45 PM and it was still plenty light outside! How exciting! Spring is so close we can almost touch it, you guys! My closet is hung with hangers of already-put-together spring outfits that are dying to be worn. I'm making myself wait until the official first day of Spring so that it makes the season just that much better. I can't believe I got through a Michigan winter with this fashion blog! Fall was such an easy time to dress.. and I was so worried about winter, but I managed and got through! I feel like spring is going to be a fall time for me. Very season-defining and easy to dress. I'm too excited!
I got these shots on the way to Brett's show tonight. I love driving along the back roads to Grand Rapids, especially on Lake Michigan drive. I always find such great places to take shots. One time in particular, I found this amazing barn and got one of my favorite pictures ever taken of me! I saw this amazing huge cornfield that I can't wait to explore with Brett in springtime. I really want to force him out of bed one morning to work with sunrise light one time and see if it's much different! He's suffered some pretty treacherous conditions for this blog.. but waking up that early on a weekend might be crossing the line. Hehe!
scarf and blazer - urban outfitters | belt and boots - thrifted)
This dress is very form-fitting, but yet stretchy so it hugs every extra flab of mine I've gained from winter! (7 lbs to be exact, eep!) This time last year, I was full-force dieting and training for my 5k. This year, I'm snacking on chewy oatmeal cookies and sitting on my butt. It was so hard to diet while housesitting for Brett's parents. His mom has yummy milk chocolate eggs sitting out in full view and ice-cream sandwiches in the freezer. Now that we're back home.. there's nothing.. I keep it that way for a reason! I love it. No temptations! Except for diet soda.. at 11:35 PM. Geez.
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→Daylight Saving Begins
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