On my all - day shopping expedition in East Lansing, I got so many wonderful "staple" items that I can work into almost any outfit I pick from my closet. We don't have cute stores like American Apparel and Urban Outfitters in our town, so it's such a treat to go to those stores. I got this dress from AA today and another skirt I've been wanting. I was on the lookout for opaque polka-dot tights, but couldn't find a single pair of them! I'll search Chicago in two weeks when I go. I spotted a pair of black wedge heels I wanted so bad from DSW, but they were a little out of my price range so we searched the town, but I couldn't find a pair of shoes to compare so we back back and I splurged on these! I adore them to death; they really comfy too, considering that amazing heel! Now I'm home, eating Jujyfruits and catching up on Bloglovin' posts and tweets.