Friday, I drove out to East Lansing to spend the night with Andrea! She got me into this event, which I had no idea what to expect. It was seriously a blast; it was a social networking event, where these speakers all competed to win the audience's vote, and they had five minutes to give a presentation on whatever topic. I loved listening to each person talk about food photography, cash for clunkers, the food we eat, how to survive wedding planning, how to overcome hurdles in a wheelchair, etc.
(can you spot us?!)
There were even a few presentations about creativity and the new creative class that was so interesting! I definitely enjoyed myself and got to see Andrea in action; she looked so at ease taking photos and working. She's truly an inspiration. I also got to meet some super nice people. Tom, being one of the speakers, sat by me and kept me entertained while Andrea ran around!
(me! and that's tom sitting behind me)
Afterwards, I went to Andrea's apartment to stay the night. We stayed up until like 4 am chatting all night long. It was such a blast; I don't remember the last time I did that. She is such an amazing friend and person to talk to. I have such a hard time connecting with girls,
and I love her to death. She makes me feel so great. You just cannot say that about most girl friends, and she's always just been such a great friend and I absolutely love her to pieces. She is amazing. Her apartment was stunning. Seriously. I was in awe. I loved being at her place. It is just so amazing there.
Saturday, we woke up and went on a shopping spree. Went to American Apparel, Urban Outfitters, ate at Potbelly's right downtown and then drove out to the outlet mall and looked around for a while. Then we went out to Meridian Mall + looked around. Got a ton of walking and shopping in! I hadn't gone on an all day shopping expedition like that in such a long time and it was such a good time. I also got a soy pumpkin spice latte that was delicious and I splurged on a dress, new skirt, wedge heels + tights. Love that town and that girl.
currently playing:
owen - ugly on the inside
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