Friday night, Brett left earlier than I did to head to the show. I got out of work, got ready and headed out to Rockford to pick up my wedding album (which is great, I do love it). Then I headed out to Skelletones for the show. There were 4 or 5 bands left when I showed up; so I just hung out and had a decent time. Everybody is really nice and it's great to see familiar faces at a show again. I miss the old scene; but this one is great too. Probably better because there is absolutely nobody from my high school in the Grand Rapids hardcore scene. It's super nice. So Tall Ships played last and everybody stuck around to see them; and got into them a lot. I'm super proud of those boys. They're doing a great job with that band. I love going to their shows- it gives my weekends more meaning. Brett's too. Afterwards, we did the usual of heading out to Grand Coney. There were so many people from the show there. All of the bands that played went there to eat; it was packed. We ate and then I headed off early because it was such a late show. We didn't get home until 2:00 am.
(me and brett)
(brett, peter and jeremy)
currently playing:
frou frou - let go
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→Tall Ships at Skelletones
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