Like NORMAL, school is amazing. Beaner's is great. I really do like our new manager. I think he's going to do great things. The apartment is actually getting better. Kate and Caitlynd finally both got lives, (our roommates) and don't spend every second on the couch in the living room. The place is a little bit more clean. My bedroom is cozy with the mirror and TV now. I'm feeling organized. Brett and I are amazing. We giggle about everything. We have so much fun together. He gave me a great Valentine's Day. I love my friends. We are going wedding dress shopping tomorrow. I cannot believe it. I just cannot believe how happy I am right now. Especially considering these winter blues.
BUT! When I wake up now, the sun is starting to shine! And when I walked home from Geometry the other day, it was still pretty light out; which MEANS! that the days are getting longer. Spring/Summer - HERE WE COME! Midsemester is this upcoming week! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAh LIFE IS SO GREAT!
(videos brett took of me in my 5 lyon bedroom)
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