I just have to stress how sad I am. I took out my piercing tonight, now it's half way closed up. I had to for my new job at Beaner's coffee. I'm sure I could push it back through, but I can already tell it would hurt so bad. It's time to grow up anyway. Ugh! It was finally starting to heal perfectly, and I am seriously so in love with this piercing.
Brett's brother, Jeff, and sister-in-law, Tiffaney, picked us up in, so we could all drive out to Detroit to watch a Tiger's game! We had to stop along the way so Tiffaney could throw up (she is 8 months pregnant!) The game was really sweet. Our seats were so high up; I felt like if I were to fall forward, I'd fall down hundreds of feet. I love going to night games; they're definitely my favorite.
Saturday, Brett and I went to Celebration on the Grand in downtown Grand Rapids. It was really cool because we could just walk, right from my apartment at 5 Lyon. We walked down to Big Boy and ate dinner, and walked back up to watch the fireworks. It started down-pouring. It was insane! The streets were flooding; it was raining so hard. We bought a blanket from someone for $5, and held it over our heads as we ran back to my apartment. Such a great way to end summer.