October is always a wonderful month. I absolutely love the weather, the colors and all of the fun things to do during the month. Pumpkin patches, apple picking, cider, taking trips - it's all so much fun. Autumn is always a joy. We shot a wedding at Point Betsie that was gorgeous, went to Green Acres for pumpkin picking and just enjoyed every warm autumn second.
We took a trip over to Fruit Ridge for this really cute corn maze and hay-ride place. They had the best cider donuts that I devoured. It was a fun autumn day with friends! I love corny things like this.
We also headed over to Robinette's Apple Haus - which is my favorite place to go in autumn. The best apple cider and cutest little bakery and gift shop. You can also venture off into the fields and pick apples, which is exactly what we did!
And of course, one of the best parts of October is... Halloween! Brett and I had a low-key night with some pizza and a movie. We were housesitting for his parents, so we were able to pass out candy to the trick-or-treaters! We headed out to a small party with friends and ate greasy food late night at our favorite diner.
In November, we had some wonderful weather still - so blessed this year with weather! Every year, I desperately have a need to want to rake leaves, so we headed over to Brett's parent's house so I could rake their lawn... and of course, bury Maggie in the leaves!
November was a huge month for me because I started my new career as a graphic designer! It has been the best experience ever so far and I'm so insanely grateful that I have the opportunity to work here. Everyone is amazing and the job is exactly what I always wanted.
At the end of the month, Brett and I headed out with our friends, Kait and Jer, to Chicago for the Santa Clause Parade! We went to Molly's Cupcakes and shopped around Urban Outfitters for a little bit before the parade! It was so insanely packed, but we had a great time.
Afterwards, we all headed to Ed Debevic's for dinner. I had only been there once before and it's always fun!
In December, we've had quite the quiet month! We were trying to save for a house down payment, so our trips and little adventures have kind of dwindled down. We had our 4th annual Christmas party this year at our friend's house! Can't believe it has been four years we've been doing this!
Alright, I'm all done with my 2010 recaps! Thanks for reading everyone! I'm super excited to start posting in 2011 with new posts. Have a great NYE! Stay warm! (It's 50 degrees here... and raining. It's amazing! All of the snow and ice... GONE!) Weeeeee!
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→2010 Recap: Autumn
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